Thursday, April 10, 2008

First Date Dos and Don'ts

First dates can be hard for some people. The fear of screwing up can be paralyzing and blow our chances of there being a second date.

The good news is that it doesn't have to be that way. Here are some tips that may help you have a smooth first date.

Don't be late. Being late can give the impression that you don't care enough to make it there on time. Even worse, your date might feel embarrassed and leave, thinking you stood him/her up! If you're going to be late, make sure you let your date know, or at least have a really good excuse.

Make your date feel comfortable. Feeling anxious and nervous? Your date is feeling the same way. Have an ice breaker ready to open up the conversation and reduce the stress that you and your date are probably feeling.

The fear of making the wrong move or saying the wrong thing is what prevents many people from sharing or showing interesting aspects of their personality. This is the main reason why many first dates fail.

Be prepared with something of mutual interest for you both to have something to talk about. Be a good listener and ask questions that show that you are actually paying attention to what is being shared. Use this opportunity to learn more about your date.

Enjoy their jokes. We're not suggesting you have to fake loud laughter at every lame joke. But keep in mind that your date is looking for validation, just the way that you are. So if you hear a funny joke, have a blast. This will show your date that you are interested.

Keep the conversation alive. You know those situations where nobody can come up with anything to say, and there is an awkward silence, making you both feel uncomfortable? Here is an idea to avoid that: jot down some questions that you would like to ask your date. Learn the questions, don't actually carry the list with you. Ask one of these questions when you feel when you are entering one of those uncomfortable moments of silence.

Show interest. Remember that you are there to get to know your date, so show interest. Ask questions, and pay attention to the answers, and ask more questions. If your date tells you that they love reading, ask them about their favorite author, or any favorite titles in that genre. You get the idea... show interest in what your date is talking about, and the conversation will flow more easily.

Be creative with your date location. You don't have to go to the movies and a restaurant, you know? Be creative. There are hundreds of alternatives, original ideas that you could do when planning your date. Don't go for the obvious. (But remember that it is your first date, so choose a public location where you can both feel safe).

Be confident. A person with confidence is a lot more appealing than someone who is insecure. You are telling your date a lot when you are acting insecure. Do you really want to communicate that to your date? Show confidence, and you will both have a good time.

Going on a first date and meeting someone in real life for the first time is not the easiest thing to do, and it can be stressful for some people. Hopefully the tips in this article are helpful. Go out and have fun. If your expectations for the date are realistic and you simply make having a nice time your goal, you can't lose, even if the person you meets turns out not to be The One. If the date was fun for both of you, you have gained a nice experience and your time was not wasted. Hopefully, years from now, you'll look back at this date and laugh at how nervous you were and how fun it turned out to be.

Relax, you'll be fine.

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